This Automotive update brought to you buy State Farm Insurance. ….Sigh…..
My last post I mentioned how “parts were on order and the truck should be back by the weekend”. Well not exactly. I posted the previous item around 12am on Tuesday June 30th. Little did I know 7 hours later, I would be getting a phone call from the alignment shop saying the truck has been stolen from their locked compound. Super. So off to Caledonia I went. I met with police and filed a report fully expecting never to see my truck again.
That evening, I got a call from the OPP saying that they have FOUND MY TRUCK! Wheels, tailgate, stereo have been stolen and some damage has been done to the truck. Sounds promising, but it’s not. Due to the holiday I wasn’t able to go see the truck until Thursday afternoon. When I finally got to the tow yard I see the old girl has been smacked around on pretty much every single panel. The only way to repair this will be a complete paint and body job, replacing and repairing a good portion of the sheet metal. And that’s just the exterior that I can see.
I spent the 2 days gathering each and every scrap of paper/receipt I could find and forwarded it on to my case worker. Now I just have to sit and wait to find out if they are actually going to write the truck off as I suspect, or try to repair it.
Given the fact that the truck was dragged from the field laying on the suspension (no wheels/tires) I really hope it’s a write off. And if it is a write off, how much of the money will I get back? The pile of cash I poured into this truck getting it exactly where I want it that wasn’t small. Hopefully the settlement will reflect that.
I am beyond frustrated. Fingers cross that the insurance company does what they are supposed to, and actually cover me for the money that I am out and not put up a fight over nickels and dimes.
To be continued…..