Couple little updates. Saturday Shannon, Alex, Kevin and I went to ImportFest in Toronto. Some really cool cars. Some really ugly ones too. The part that sucked about the whole thing was my camera wasn’t working. So, 5 hours at a huge car show, and not one – single – picture. Yeah, I was pissed too.
Also, Last weekend, I was lucky enough to be the new home for Adam’s pool table. Turns out his brother doesn’t have room for it in his new home, and Adams parents don’t have room anymore either. So until Adam or Pete find some room, the pool table will be in my basement getting used nearly every day.
Beetle update: 11 months of random evening and weekend wiring, the re-wiring of the beetle is complete. Today, Kevin came over and he and I spent several hours with some final cleanup of wiring, removal of the engine, and disconnecting/labeling of the wires which were to stay in the car while it goes to the body shop. Things are all working, and look good. Form AND function are in full swing here. Next up, off to Alex and Pauls place for paint and body work. Hopefully in the next a couple months it will be back for final assembly. Any interest in the last day of wiring, HERE is some pics. Ok. Alot of pics.