Shitty week all around in the work front. As some know, I have been working my tail off all summer trying to flip 13 schools over from NT4 to 2003 Server, and re-do each and every client to match. Lets just say anything that could go wrong, has and did. I’ve had to work 4 of my Fridays this summer which I am supposed to be taking off. Hopefully my boss will let me take these days later on when work settles down again.

On top of that, I received an email last week saying not to return to work on Monday August 29th. Hurray strike. The next day, I got another email which said I was to go to work Monday, as a negotiations were going to continue Monday. If negotiations on Monday fail, I will be on strike as of Tuesday. As you are probably aware, this is a bad thing. No one wins when people strike. All I can do is hope things work out on Monday. Please cross your fingers and pray to who ever  you pray to and all that stuff.

The part that really pisses me off, is I was supposed to get my bug painted Monday. Now I’m spending the day waiting to find out if I will be even going to work next week.

Nothing more to say.

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