Happy Canada Day! Holy no chance to post Batman. Sorry for the delay, and the ups and downs of the website over the past month. I will give you a quick run down of the months events.
First off, congrats to Jim and Alicia Kirk. The two were married on June 15 down in Bermuda. Shannon and I were lucky enough to go and had a wonderful time. I wish you guys the best! And thanks for everything! Pictures to come in the near future, as well as a full description of the week in Bermudas events.
Earlier in June, I sold my desktop computer. (the one I use everyday). This may sound crazy to some of you, and maybe it was, but it was for a new project I decided to take on. I sold my computer, to buy a Macintosh computer. A Mac-Mini to be exact. I have wanted an Apple computer for years now. The advanced yet, simplistic setup of OSX (Macs version of Windows if you will) has appealed to me since I first seen it. Its like having a Unix computer, with the compatibility of Windows, and the configurability and sexiness of Enlightenment (window manager in Linux). The box is about the size of 5 cd jewel cases stacked on top of each other. Sexy, definitely. Last night Ian and I took it from a hot little box and turned it into a much happier box. 256mb ram OUT. 1gb of ram IN. Mmmm much better.
MacOS has brought a big learning curve. Many of the every day tasks which I did without even thinking about them in Windows, now require a new way of being done. No more using ACDsee to make a webpage. ACDsee isnt available for OSX. So I must find an equivalent. Not having time to do so has left this site with few updates. (Pictures of the wedding, the Mac, Beetle upgrades, June Jitterbug all coming as soon as I get a day to make some pages for them). On top of the learning curve for OSX, I have been battling a semi-consistent internet connection problem. I’m not sure which is the culprit. Either the DSL modem or the router. Either way, its pissing me off.
Last weekend, Alex, Shannon and I headed into Niagara falls for this years June Jitterbug. We had a great time again this year. Its amazing to go and see so many VWs in one location that isn’t a dealership. We also ran into a bunch of my buddies from my VW Get togethers on Tuesday nights. Was fun seeing everyone out. Pictures will be coming soon. See paragraph 4 excuse.
Lastly for right now, the Beetle restoration is going pretty good. Kevin has most of the wiring going. I believe we are rear running lights and a hazard switch away from having the lighting completed. After that, engine wiring, (pretty minor) and clean up of the wiring harness (every things there, just gotta make it pretty), then its time to hit the body shop. I’m hoping and praying I can get the bug to the shop before the end of this month. If I can get the bug in the shop this month, I should be able to get it on the road sometime in August/September. Even if its just 60% completed.
I have some more minor updates, but those will come later this week.