April 30/2005

GTI is finally back in the driveway again. The car looks awesome. Couple little problematic spots, but the shop said they would fix them up so no worries there. All in all they did an awesome job. Spoiler is on as well, and really sets the back off nicely. Now I just need to drop it, 18s, and a body kit 🙂 (hopefully news on that sooner then later).

Dropped some money on the Beetle today. 285$ worth of lighting stuff. All new headlights, turn signals and tail lights. This shit adds up quickly. It’s gonna be sweet when she’s all together. I got some work ahead of me tomorrow. I told Kevin id get the 4 fenders on. That’s a lot of bolts. I also want to clean the garage up. Cool thing is, the car will be all lit up within a week or so, the lighting should be all in and hooked up and the car will look somewhat complete, albeit no paint.

Works been busy. Spent the last 2 weeks switching a school over to Windows2003 server and Xp/2000 Clients. Went pretty good. A bit slow, but good. Had fun with the staff. It’s defiantly one of the better schools to be in that I maintain.

Update: Lastly, I found a cool program on the internet which allows you to tweak Gti’s and Jetta’s to the max. I did a couple quick ones for my car and Shannons Car.

Mine Starting (wheels aren’t exact, but close)

Mine Realistically (wheels are semi- affordable)

Mine Dream (Wheels a weee bit out of my price range)

Shannons Starting

Shannons Dream

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