April 23/2005
Dropped the GTI off on Monday. I was supposed to have the car back yesterday (Friday), but they aren’t done. Apparently they had a hard time getting me a door. I guess 3 weeks notice wasn’t enough to get the door in. That, and they didn’t bother ordering it until after they had my car in their possession. Oh well. I have a snazy little Pontiac Sunflower, errr. Sunfire as a rental. 4 doors, automagic tranny and a 4 cylinder engine without turbo. I wonder how much more it would cost to have the brick taken out from under the pedal. My old beetle would kill this thing in a race. And it doesn’t have an engine in it! Hopefully by next week I will be back in the driver seat of my baby.
Good news on the tax front. Got a report back on my income tax. The accountant has/is closing my business for me, and by writing off the remainder of my computers and hardware, I no longer have to pay. I don’t get much of a return (40$ or so), but that’s a hell of a lot better the 500$ I was gonna have to pay. That and the money Shannon is getting back makes tax time not horrible this year. Too bad there isn’t enough to get me a suspension. Oh well. Maybe I will blow the 40$ on booze and strippers. Well.. Booze at least.
Just an update on the web server. Hopefully in the next few weeks, I will be taking some time to rebuild my server. Since loosing my uptime, and my recent lack of hard drive space, I need to rebuild and repartition. I’ve got plenty of space, its just poorly allocated. So when I rebuild I will correct it.
Recently I have became hooked on a new Tv show. Desperate Housewives. I don’t watch much tv anymore, but I caught an episode last week on TV and since then, I have downloaded all 19 episodes and watched them. During my marathon to get caught up on the show, I think I also got Shannon slightly addicted. At least its not a reality TV show. Its funny and worth the watch.
More news when I think of it.