Yawn. February is almost over. Hurray. Not a whole heck of a lot to report. Dads in Florida right now visiting my Grandparents, and having a great time from the sounds of things. I really wish I could have went down with him. This was his first trip on an airplane (would have been mine too).  He comes home later in the day Monday. Can’t wait till he gets back. Starting to miss the big lug.

GTI: I’d like to say a HUGE thanks to Kevin. He has been out the past two Saturdays to help get my stereo installed. I would say its about 80% done. Wires are all ran, everything is functional. I did some minor tweaks today, and its starting to sound good. Only thing left is the final touches. Build an amp rack and mount the amps, trim the wires up so that there is no access wires hanging around, properly mount the cd player (its n there, but needs about an 1/8th of an inch more room. And of course, some fine tuning once its in place. These things can wait till its warmer and I have more patience as this is the tedious stuff that you can’t rush. It sounds pretty good now that I have cleaned some of the bass up from the componenet sets. Also during the install marathons we installed the pre 2002 GTI headlights which have integrated fog lights. Its a minor touch, but I’m liking them. Next question is do I focus on show or go. I’m leaning SHOW for this summer, simply cause I got enough go to make me happy right now, and also, I’d like to get through a bit more of the warranty before I start voiding it. I’m still leaning 337 Body kit with the R32 front bumper, and of course, drop it like its hot.

Jetta: Back finally! Brand new engine installed and running great. Huge thumbs-up to Mel Henderson VW for their excellent care and service!

Beetle: nothing. I suspect late March when we can work with the garage doors open again, I will talk Kevin in to coming over and helping finish the wiring, and also get the engine put back in. I’ve got a couple more leads on paint shops, but time will tell. See what kind of time frame things get done in. I am really hoping to get it on the road this summer at SOME point.

House: nothing. Still standing. I’m almost looking forward to spring cleaning. Also gotta get prices on paving the driveway.

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