D’oh! In case you were wondering, my domain name expired yesterday, hence my page being down. I have renewed the subscription and am back online. Sorry for any delays or what have you. If you have sent me an email within the past 24-36 hours, odds are its been returned to you or simply sent into oblivion.  Email should be back online soon as well, if its not already.

Nothing much new to report around here. Life is quiet and boring when you are trying to get bills caught up. Hopefully by March I will be back on top of things and not paying interest on credit cards. I hate credit cards.

Satellite dish is being a bitch. Although being Super Bowl weekend, I expected it to go down like a whore in the ghetto. It doesn’t bother me too much, but if its not back up in time for kick off, I’m sure Shannon will have something to say. Marriage counselors will be called, as well as the police for a domestic dispute.

Shannons car is getting its biggest modification to date. A new engine :-   Due to a problem with her current motor, VW decided it was best to simply swap the entire thing instead of trying to fix the problem. Sucks, but at least its under warranty, and her car should be back home early next week. On the fun side, we got a little beetle to drive around for the time being. Automatic, and slow, but fun just the same.

GTI still has a mondo dent in the door. I’m not gonna fix it till March at the earliest. I don’t like fresh paint in the middle of winter. Other then that, she aint gonna see any money put into her until the credit cards are sitting at -zero-.

Not much else going on. Think I may go work on the beetle for a while.

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