If this is 2005, you can have it. To say the year has been sub-par would be putting it rather lightly. Start off with work. Nothing bad. Things are actually going fairly ok. But I still feel like nothings getting accomplished. Work orders which should be done in 2-3 days are taking 5-6. Waiting on this, that or the other thing. Just feel as though time is moving fast, but work simply isn’t.

Speaking of work. I was at ALNC last night for my typical Wednesday night shift. I parked RIGHT outside the door at Mountain plaza, basically leaving only one parking space to my left. Wouldn’t you know it, some asshole who can’t drive decided to try and make his mini van fit in the parking space. Guess what. He didn’t fit. Instead he used some of the space I was using and crushed my drivers side door and part of my rear quarter panel with his fender. That’s right, I am not amused. Not only is this a major piss off since they didn’t leave their information or anything, but this is all happening to my 6 week old car. I haven’t even changed the oil yet, or given it a proper hand washing yet, and now she’s got about a 1000$ in damages. Now I have to decide if its worth going through insurance and paying the 500$ deductible, or just anty up the rest of the money and not mark up my insurance record. Needless to say, 500-1000$ is money I would much rather spend elsewhere. Pictures of my latest piss off are HERE.  

I have decided to drop my ‘mod a month’ and simply aim to have certain things done. This year is suspension (either FK or Eibach kit with a Neuspeed Rear sway), Turbo back exhaust (APR, GHL or Techtonics) , tint and possibly chip (APR).   This should leave plenty of money for beetle and the house. Have my cake and eat it too if you will.

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