Merry Day after Ho Ho everybody! Hope Santa was good to everyone. He was too good to me. I won’t get into details, but I did good this year Have had a wonderful holiday so far. Christmas Eve started out with a visit to Shannons Moms/Step Dads house for a yummy turkey dinner. around 8pm, I left to go to my traditional Christmas Eve party at Uncle Shoupie and Aunt Linda’s house. It was awesome as always. (this has always been one of my favorite parts of Christmas). MMM fruit dip. I ran and picked Shannon up at home mid party and brought her back to the Shoups. After that, home to bed to wait for Santa Clause.
Up first thing Christmas morning, and Shan and I were back on our way to the Shoups to open gifts with my moms side of the family. Words cant describe how much stuff was in that basement. With the presents done, Shannon and I hoped in the GTI, flew home for a shower and clean clothes. Then we were off to her Moms place again, this time for presents and stuff. From there we went over to her Dads house, again more presents. Yes, we clean up around the holiday time. From Jeffs place, we headed BACK out to Hagersville to my parents place to drop off their gifts. (They were too big to lug out for the morning). From my parents place, back to the Shoups we went for Turkey dinner. After a fun filled day, back home to our comfy bed we went. Exhausted, I think so.
Today (Boxing day), we head back to Shannons Dads house for a roast dinner I believe. Should be good times. And tomorrow, Shannon and I are hosting my Dads side of the family for Christmas dinner. Shannon and Mom will be running the show. I’m just here for the ride. (and to make the driveway as smooth as I can).
Thanks to EVERYBODY for EVERYTHING. (there, that should cover everyone).
As some may know, I have two full weeks off this year from the school board. Much over due. Me, being the sucker that I am for the all mighty dollar, offered to work at the computer store all week as Ian is away for the holidays. As much as I wanted the holidays off from work, I actually enjoyed being at work. I used to quite like working at ALNC. Which is probably why I’m still there part time. Its weird, 8 hours Tuesday, ~12 hours Wednesday, ~12 Thursday and 8 hours Friday, and I was still in a good mood at the end of the week. Got to work with Randy and Lynda quite a bit over that time. The Chapple family has been like an extra family for me over the past 5-10 years. It was quite nice spending my ‘pre-christmas time’ with them.