Couple quick updates. Some long over due photos are FINALLY available. I’ve been slacking, and apologize, but the software I use to generate the pages was mis-behaving and I simply haven’t had a chance to fix it till now.
Thanks Giving 2004 , Visiting Miss Alicia_ in PA, Applefest Car show. All three events were awesome. I didn’t bother deleting the fuzzy pictures, so deal with it ;-). Jim_, sorry for the delay man, happy mirroring ;-).
Last weekend Shannon and I hosted the first of many monthly dinner parties. Basically our group has decided (thanks to Gus’ idea) to have a monthly get together at someones house. Each person/couple takes a turn, and hosts dinner for everyone. Ordering in is not allowed :-). Shannon made a fantastic dinner and everyone who came has stated they had a good/great/amazing time. The fact that only one person left after dinner (due to prior engagement), I would say this was accurate. Party raged well into the weee hours of the morning (3:30 to be exact). and continued on until early afternoon the following day. I would like to say thanks to everyone who came. We had an awesome night, and we hope you all did too! Can’t wait till the next group gathering. One thing is for sure, I need to buy some more Wisers rye before the next gathering.