Odd. Feels like longer then a week since my last post. Oh well, since I’m already here I may as well post something up. I think I will section the post in the good/bad/other type layout.
The Good: Sirius radio. For Christmas my parents were kind enough to buy me a satellite receiver for my MINI. I love it. The sound quality is like an ok mp3. Not spectacular, but the genres, and selection is excellent. My number one reason for wanting Sirius was for talk radio. Namely Howard Stern. I have been a big fan of his since the mid 90’s when Stern started on Q107 in Toronto. Sadly, our government seen it fit to remove him from the airways. Luckily, Buffalo is close enough to send the signal. Now that Stern is on Satellite, I never have to worry about him moving around and loosing his show again. Other fantastic channels are Buzz Saw, and Hair Nation. Nothing like stations dedicated to ACDC, Motley Crue, and the like. I was skeptical about Sirius and pay radio, but I’m officially a convert.
The Bad: Canada Post. What a shit service. I shipped a parcel to the USA on January 9th. I paid for the quicker shipping and got my tracking number and went home. Expecting a ‘thank you’ in my e-mail within 4-7 business days. 3+ weeks later, I get a “where is my parts” email. Panic over takes me, and I hit the tracking page to see what the hell is up. There I find a one liner in the tracking info. “Jan 9, 2006 – Parcel shipped”. No follow ups. No incremental “it is at xxx location” nothing. Apparently they don’t do scans at each interchange. Simply a “it’s shipped” “it’s delivered” status. On top of that, they can’t/won’t track it until 1 month passes. Finally, today (1 day short of a month) the person on the other end received a “parcel from Canada” notice. He will be picking it up tomorrow. I think its bullshit that it takes a MONTH to ship to the USA. Especially when they quote you 4-7 days.
The Rest: (mostly good)
Beetle updates: Not much new to say. Doors and shaving was pretty much done as of my last visit this past Sunday. Alex said they were hoping to be getting it sandblasted something this week. Sadly its snowed or rained since. Also, we talked about shaving the dash board. I’m hoping to stop by sometime this weekend to see how things are, and finalize the dash design.
MINI updates: Windshield crack has split worse. Gonna leave it till spring. I have been doing a bunch of reading in my spare time as to what else I want to do to the car. One or two small things for performance, and springs/sway bars and I think I can call it done. Nice comfy daily driver, which will out handle and out perform pretty much any car I have ever driven.
Maui: Continues to cost me money and I haven’t even left yet. Gonna be worth it once we are there. The upside is the plane tickets are pretty much paid for. There’s a nice 2000$ bill which won’t be waiting for me when I get home. W00t.
Super Bowl: Not that I give a damn who won. Or really even care who was in it, I still had a great time. We went to a Super Bowl party hosted by Jim and Alicia. Erle, Shannon and I head to Font hill for the game Sunday afternoon. Also, joining us at the party was Jim’s parents. Good food. Great friends. And a hell of a good time. — yes, this paragraph is wordy and messy, but I’m too tired to give a damn. Read it as best you can.
Many of you remember a post where I shared how I was hooked on a show called Desperate Housewives. As good of a show as this was last season, I’m sorry to say they have lost some steam.. Sloppy plot lines; rushed stories, and other such things have taken it from being my favorite show to a very distant second (or maybe even 3rd). My new favorite has had a phenomenal year. The show I speak of is Greys Anatomy. It airs Sunday nights right after DH, and has had me and Shannon sitting on the edges of our seats each week all season. I can’t put my finger on the exact reason for liking it so much, but I do. The characters seem to just ‘fit’ with each other. Just the right amount of funny parts to go along with the intense, and sometimes heart tugging stories. Excellent casting. And of course a little eye candy for guys and girls (doctor pants are glorious when used right).