I recently read an article on the VWVORTEX and it asks the question “are you a lifer, or is this just a phase”.  It really got me thinking.

I have always been a huge fan of vws since as far back as I can remember.  Mainly air cooled stuff, but more recently I’ve gotten into the water pumpers. As anyone who has read this site knows, I’ve been restoring  a 74 beetle for almost 3 years now. Not for resale, but for a personal vehicle which I plan on keeping long past my expiry date. (who ever follows through with my wishes from my will after I die may be pissed when they find out I intend to be buried in the driver seat with my right foot on the go pedal, one hand on the wheel, and the other on the shifter.)
So I guess in that sense you could say I’m a lifer.

However, when it comes to daily drivers, I think I may just be in a phase. A few years ago I sold my pride and joy to purchase a more economical and fun little car. My first new VW, a 2003 VW Golf TDI. Great little car. I had some fun with it, but realized that it was more economical then it was fun. So after just a year of ownership, I traded it in for my second VW; a 2003 GTI 1.8T (technically my 4th if you include my beetle and my wifes jetta). Now this car is as much more fun as it is less economical. You can’t have everything, and its still a huge improvement from my truck. I love the GTI, but I am already finding myself thinking about my ‘next’ car. As much fun as I’ve had with my TDI and more recently with my GTI, I have very strong doubts that I will buy another VW. At least not my next car. I love the current generation of Golf (hence me owning two!). But the next generation, I just don’t feel the same draw to. Nice cars mind you, just don’t have those tingles when I see them. And as for the rest of the VW line, they don’t suit my needs. To big, to expensive and again, not screaming my name. With all that in my head and heart, I realize, in the next 3 years when I start to look for a replacement for the GTI, I find myself looking away from the VW dealer and towards manufacturers that I would never have considered before. I guess only time will tell what I will do, but I’ve got a strong feeling a Mini Cooper S May be the car to replace the Dub in the driveway.

But in the meantime, I plan on playing with the GTI and having some fun with it while I have it. (who knows how long that will be!) Like I said above, I love the car, I just don’t think we will be together till death do us part and as long as we both shall live. Those words are only true with my wife and beetle. (yes Dear, in that order despite what you may think.)

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