Another Packers… FIRST DOWN!

Bucket list item for Shannon has officially been checked off. We set off on the Saturday morning and drove 10-12 hours (including stops for dinner, etc) on our way to Wisconsin. Pretty much straight to bed and a good nights rest before getting up on the Sunday morning to head into Green Bay. It was a pretty amazing day, even for someone like me who is only a recent Packer fan. The tailgating, the 10’s of thousdands of people randomly walking around. A street full of vendors which had to be 2-3km on non-stop Packer stuff to buy. Adn then there is the stadium. Now, its no Old Yankee stadium, but the ghosts and history of teams past are in full force. Despite losing the game, we still had a pretty epic day. Back to bed that night in Wisconsin again before heading home on the long drive home on Monday.

House update: Bulkhead is complete. Just needs some paint work done. It’s fully functional now tho! Closest door is complete but the door. Hoping to pick one up on payday and paint it along with the bulkhead. Lastly I’ve gutted the shed and built all new shelves for it. Now have spots for wheels and tires for 2 vehicles, a full section for all our camping gear and plenty of other usable spots. This weekend i’ll organize it all and call it job-done.

Bug is officially in hibernation mode. Not quite ready to do the same for the bike yet. 18degree November days will hopefully continue for a while. Hoping to ride for a bit more before putting it to sleep too. Subaru is now sitting on its winter wheels. Not the bed condition paint, but they are BRIGHT neon yellow/green colour. LOVE them. Inspires me to have my summer wheels powder coated properly.

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