Been a LONG time, but I’m back. Old web server had an issue. Built a new machine for it back in July, but didn’t want to do much updating till I got around to finishing the migration to new blog software. It took longer then expected. All done now, and up and running. Hopefully this install lasts 5 years like the last one did. Thanks to Andy and Ian for the SQL help. For those who care, I am now updated to the latest WordPress Blog software and the latest Gallery3 software.
Auto Updates– Bike was awesome this summer. Got about 8000kms on it from July through now. More or less parked the bike early November, but I still get a ride now and again. Did one on boxing day, and hoping to go for a ride Friday the 13th (next Friday). Weather pending of course. The GTI is still going strong. Been a year now, and will go for AT LEAST another year thanks to a bet I made with Kevin. Sorry dude, the car WILL stay mine for the full duration of the bet. Shannons Audi is still a champ as well. Man this car rocks in the snow. Anyone who has never driven and All-Wheel-Drive car with snow tires in the snow, DO IT.
Kids – are getting huge. Abby started school in September. Much to the surprise of her Mom and I, she went without a fight! She seems to quite like the teachers, and is slowly making friends. Poor thing is super shy, so that has been a bit of a challenge, but i’m confident she will do well. Couldn’t be more proud of my girl. As for the boy, man… he is such a boy. Getting bigger and stronger daily. Starting to jibber the random words now. The words have been slow coming but everything else is off the charts. He runs, walks, climbs, jumps like a 5 year old. And he – never – ever – slows down. GO GO GO. Makes me laugh every single day. The two best kids any dad could ask for. Truly blessed.
Lasik – For those thinking about doing away with your glasses, and fixing your eyes — I can’t recommend it enough. Shannon had the surgery done several months ago, and she healed in a couple weeks and has been living glasses free and loving it. Almost strange to see pictures of her in her glasses now. Very relieved it went so smoothly for her. Hopefully it is a permenant thing and she never has to go back.
Cruise – Well Jordon and Stacie FINALLY tied the knot. After years of planning, and re-planning and threatening to get married they finally did. Shannon and I flew to Fort Lauderdale for a couple days and then got on a Royal Caribbean cruise aboard the Allure of the Seas. It was a LOT of fun. Made some great new friends with some of the other couples that J&S had invited. Beautiful boat, soooo much food, and lots of laughs. Great spending the time with Jord and Stacie as well. Since they moved to bc i know how hard its been for Shannon. Very happy we were able to make it on the cruise and be a part of the celebration. … Nick, Windjammer?
Grandpa – The shitty part of this update is that back in October my Grandpa had a stroke. Way to shock your world. In my 33 years i’ve never seen the man sick or unable to just be himself. To see him confined to a hospital bed all these months is enough to break my heart. He is still sharp as a tack, and things are slowly improving. Hopefully now he is out of the ICU and finally in the stroke ward getting some therapy he may start making more progress and get back home where he belongs. The other hard/unbelievable part is watching my Grandma sit by his side, every day — just being there for him. That kind of love is unheard of in this day and age. I strive to someday be as strong as she has been through all this. Grandpa has no choice but to get better with her (and the rest of the family) in his corner.
That’s all I got for now. With the new software I should finally be able to get back to semi-regular updates again.
You’re welcome. 🙂