March Broke

Just finishing up March break, and I feel broken. Working + going non-stop after work + two semi-sick-off-schedule-kids = one tired household. On the upside, its March and its 20 freaking degrees out side.

Not a great deal of updates today. Weather is still gorgeous and unseasonably warm out. Kids are still growing at an alarming rate getting bigger and smarted every day. Sadly Grandpa is still in the hospital, but it looks like they are finally going to move him to Hagersville hospital which will make life infinitely easier for Grandma and everyone else going to visit him daily. Hopefully after a few months in Hagersville he will be strong enough to get around with minimal help and actually go back to his own house. Time will tell though.

Finally got the brakes swapped out on the GTI. It actually stops now instead of slowing passive-aggressively. The pads literally had no compound on them when remove and 3 of the 4 rotors were warped. The 4th was cracked. I think I got my money worth out of that set. Also installed a new 42draftdesign A-pillar pod to house a boost gauge which seems to be lost in transit somewhere. Everything is plumbed and ready to go, so when it does show up it should be about a 30 minute and done install.

With this warm weather, I may have jumped the gun a bit and put the summer wheels back on the GTI and A4. God 18’s look so much better then steelies. Hopefully I don’t regret the decision. A few flurries won’t be a big issue but any sort of accumulation and our summer tires are pretty much useless. While I was changing the tires on the GTI I also got busy under the car and adjusted the sway bar from the medium setting to full-hard. 18s with the harder bar really feels tighter in the corner. Can’t wait to find some twisty roads.

Speaking of twisty roads and warmer weather the bike has semi-officially came out of hibernation. I FINALLY replaced the rear turn signals. I couldn’t bring myself to solder to the wires any more. I am pretty sure the only metal left was the stuff I soldered previously. New rear blinkers, tires pressure checked, chain adjusted and lubed up. Need to fill it up and run the last bit of stabilizer out of it and she will be good to go. Hopefully at some point this spring I will have the cash to re-jet all the carbs properly. Currently I have a mix of dyna-jet and OEM parts. It is throwing WAY to much fuel through and running a bit rough still. Re-jetting is the final step to getting it as good as it’s gonna get. If I can get another 15-20K (1-2 seasons) out of this old girl I will be stoked. All I know is, when it is time to replace this thing, I will be going fuel injection. These carbs are going to be the death of me.



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