Holy Matrimony Batman. Congratulation to Uncle Joe and Bonnie for tying the knot this past weekend at their home in Cayuga. It was a very nice service, and its nice seeing you both so happy together. Also, congratulations to Mallory and Mike and ALSO to Jeff and Steph… Seems like everyone is getting married these days. Can’t wait till you guys all walk the plank err tie the knot as well.
BEETLE UPDATES: Finally some good progress again. Paul is on holidays this week, and working hard on the Bug. Hood and fenders need finishing, and some other odd ends, and its ready for paint. I will be stopping by throughout the week to snap some pictures of each step. Go to the RESTORATION page for daily updates which I will start posting later tonight. More details will be found there as they become available. Paul is hoping to have all the body work done this week, and will be painting sometime early-mid october. I can’t wait!
And if you are wonderring what the topic means.. well… then you obviously don’t watch Grey’s Anatomy, nor know that this season started last week. W00t.
just looked at the bug pics when the primer was finished…lookin pretty sweet…not far now!
i especially love your new primer grey steering wheel
hehe ya, seen that. love over spray eh? It will wipe off with some laquer cleane4r or whatever its called. Excuse to upgrade to something less fugly
Started a shopping list for the bug shop.. ouch its gonna suck