Enough Rain Already!?

Garage is coming – eventually. This never-ending rain is slowing everything down. Until the field around us dries up (or freezes) enough for the equipment to drive across to access the back yard, we are in a holding pattern. I have the garage emptied out aside from a couple essential items. These will be moved the day before the work starts. By the end of the weekend I’ll have the remaining outdoor tasks finished up this weekend, assuming I don’t float away.

Abby has been doing great! Shes really settled into her new school and is feeling more comfortable. She finished her first two courses (Gym and Math) and as of last week started on Religion and English. Still waiting on the gym marks, but she got an 83 in math! Anyone who knows my struggles with math will realize how happy it makes me to see her NOT following in those footsteps. And just because she didn’t have enough “new” in her life, she also started a new job working as a ticket taker for Hagersville Minor Hockey. So proud of you kiddo.

Joe is also doing great! School reports came out a week or so ago and other than his usual struggles (organization etc) he’s doing very well! He quite likes his teacher again this year which I know really helps. Keep up the effort buddy. You have all the tools, so if you keep putting in the work- nothing will stop you! Other than maybe a concussion. Silly kid decided to ring his bell pretty hard about a month ago. Took a few days to start feeling better and a good week before feeling his old self.

Work has been a shit show. Seems like I can’t catch a break. I can’t count how many days I’ve still been poking away at stuff long after closing time. Just not enough hours in the day. I think I’m finally getting to a point where I’m catching up. That said, other than a few classes closed here and there, the kids are in school! And if that means I have to keep working like a crazy person to keep the train on the tracks, I’ll do whatever I have to do. These kids deserve to be in the schools. They need to be. Hopefully the government will approve the vaccine for school age kids and we can get things settled back down to not only finish out the school year, but also move beyond this covid world we’ve been living in for the last 20 months.

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