So we’re moving?!

So after picking up the plans for the addition on hour house that we bought new back in 2004, a house came on the market that I wasn’t expecting. My Aunt and Uncles home at the edge of town suddenly had a “for sale” sign out front. We had to check it out.

After contacting a Realtor (Shannon Veri) and setting up a viewing. Shannon and I decided we had to make the change. Don’t get me wrong, we LOVE our home on David St. It was our first house, the house our kids were brought home to and 14+ years of amazing memories. But the pluses at the new place keep adding up. HUGE (.9acre) lot, back-split, flat property with easy room to add large garage, still in town, and not in the middle of incoming Empire Homes are just a few of those pluses.

Not much more to say right now. Still processing and going through the steps to finish the deals. We have officially bought the new house, and now have ours listed. With any luck it will sell quick at/above asking and we can move onto the new chapter in the VanDalen’s lives.

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